Retreat: Mind, Body, and Spirit

Detox and Oil Remedies for Immune Health

Episode Summary

Detox and Oil Remedies for Immune Health covers: * Why Colon Cleansing Is Important * Oils that help your Immune System * Gut Health & Immune System

Episode Transcription


- The average person has 25 pounds of.. Toxins stored within their body..

B6 actually helps create new blood cells.. Which are responsible for actually carrying oxygen..  Throughout your body.. So the... oxygenation is essential… for your immune system  as well…

-Even though you may have a genetic..  Susceptibility… you can actually… help prevent that… through turning specific genes off… and through turning the right genes.. On.


Let's talk about you know… how important are cleanses .. you know clearing up your digestive tract, there's a number of ways.

- Yeah, so basically cleanses are so important, more important than ever before because we are bombarded with pollutants with toxins in our everyday environment every single day, basically the average person has 25 pounds of toxins stored within their body and that is crazy, it's crazy right?  So basically before you start anything you have to detoxify your body like for example just aluminum alone, like so many of us are used to  eating canned foods, even if it's organic non GMO if it comes in a can, well it contains aluminum in it. Right? So basically what they found was women... and especially when use antitranspirant and deodorant, that's another thing you really have to watch out for: toxins and aluminum, for example, is, linked to a cognitive... cognitive conditions like Parkinson's , Alzheimer's and basically what happens is everyone is using deodorants every single day which contain aluminum and the aluminum is entering our lymph nodes and that's why even... when you see breast cancer rates, actually the tumors during that lymph note that the aluminum would enter it, which is profound because the aluminum and the deodorants is now making its way to your lymph nodes and is preventing you from transpiring so these toxins cant even leave your body, so if you apply your deodorant 365 days of the year then you introduce those toxins for 365 days of the year, so  obviously that begins to accumulate  and is no wonder that all of us have 25 pounds of toxins so that's why a Colon Cleanse is so so important .


A small amount will be fine, a small amount of anything, even a carcinogenic, like a small amount of it  is okay but it's when... it's in cumulative amounts that is a lot... you know?


And that's what happens when you don't cleanse it just keeps building up and building up and building up and you're not really excreting those toxins in any way, so this is why a Colon Cleanse is amazing for that, but even with colon cleanses, some of them can be so harsh because the laxatives in them are synthetic and you know.. created in the lab which is why when you look for a Colon cleanse just make sure that it has all natural ingredients , like Cena Leave,Psyllium Husk , Aloe Vera is a wonderful ingredient for the gastrointestinal tract as well as cleansing out different toxins. Cayan Pepper is another wonderful one  and Apple Cider Vinegar is one of my favorites of all time because I guess I like the taste of Apple Cider Vinegar and you can also put it in your salad so it's really really amazing to have potent cleanses - At least..  I would say if I do it once every season because if they are natural then I know they are not hurting me in any way or harming me in any way so I want at least every season because it's so so healthy for you.


Yeah you can... I mean your entire digestive tract you can do detox you can do the liberty detox as well and speaking of Apple Cider Vinegar... it's a natural probiotic for you. It's a great perfect freeway.


Yeah and a natural prebiotic  because of the mother in it as well


Oh.. and a natural Prebiotic, so interestingly enough the thing about probiotics is that ..... think of probiotics as like you know.. your good army although it's technically bacteria - its good bacteria, so you got you know the bad bacteria which basically is the stuff that's attacking your gut, but then if you start to overpower that bad bacteria with good bacteria you're gonna be able to prevent diseases, you're actually gonna have better immunity as well and that can be done through ... especifically probiotic either in supplement form or even getting natural probiotic foods like coconut oil and then feed them with Probiotics. So we touched upon the Prebiotics but let's talk about the Probiotics. What is it about Probiotics that makes it a real game changer for the gut?


So basically we want to be making sure that it has all the right strains in it so we have Lactobacillus Acidophilus which is very very important, we have Wilfredo Bactirium Plantarum which is another one


So basically you got the Lacto...




Well yeah, you got.. okay I’m gonna...


So you got the Lactobacillus Acidophilus, you got the Bifidobacterium.


Yeah and you got as well as the Lactobacillus Paracasei as well, now the thing is that you know, many of these different strains are able to actually support your immune function as well, they're able to support the digestive tract as well so now you're getting that protection that you need right?


Yeah, absolutely,  and you just want to make sure that you're getting the highest CFU's as well because that's the direct correlation between  how it optimizes your Gut Function in addition to the different strains as well.


So at least 40 billion, right?


Yeah 40 billion is what I would aim for also make sure that it doesn't have binders and fillers so here it is the interesting thing, basically with most probiotics what happens is that it doesn't actually make its way to the digestive tract because the stomach acid actually you know, doesnt let it bypass into the  digestive tract but what you wanna do is make sure that the technology prevents that from happening so that basically the technology  is able to bypass that stomach acid and actually make it into your Gi tract.


So it's like a ... you know..  The important thing is that you wanna just make sure that is getting to your Gut, right?  Like you wanna make sure that those probiotics do do so, what's interesting is coconut oil also does a great job of doing that too I mean with Lauric Acid in there


Yeah, so coconut oil is so fascinating, like it's one of my favorites oils because of its antimicrobial, antibacterial,  antiviral, properties and basically you can apply it topically you can put it in your food but its very rich in Lauric Acid, Caprylic Acid and Capric Acid. Which are these fatty chain acids that are amazing for the Gut... your Gut loves them and anything that your Gut loves your immune system loves too because it automatically responds, with their very essential degrading antibodies to help protect you from different anthogens so what's really interesting is Lauric Acid, is only found in one other place which is breast milk so that's how important and essential it can be for your immune system,


What's even crazier about coconut oil is that ... you've heard of oil pulling? Right, like you take coconut oil and you swish it for at least 20 minutes and  the interesting thing is there have been studies done that there is a reduction of at least 50% of gingivitis and cavities as well...


That's amazing


And that also predetermines what ends up getting in your gut as well because that's one way of stopping what ends up going to your gut so if you are eating foods that are not promoting great gut health, at least then  you can  start you know finding a way before it even gets there so if you actually combine that with oil pulling it can actually work out pretty well


Yeah, absolutely. Fermented foods is another really amazing probiotic.


Kimchi and Sauerkraut


... Sauerkraut I love Sauerkraut. You can even get these fermented turnips which are amazing as well. I love that because you can just put them into your salads and that way you are getting your probiotics just naturally through food as well.


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So, let's switch it up a little bit right? So, there is a component in your body.. DHEA which actually gets produced naturally , it happens as well. Its sole responsibility is to actually balance  your estrogen and testosterone levels which is actually vital for immune support. Right? and what's interesting is that there's been studies done where it can actually be increased just through meditation alone. I mean you can get it in supplement form but  you can also do that as well


Oh wow, that's amazing.


Yeah... So let's come back to oregano oil.


Oregano oil yeah.


So oregano Oil is proven to....


So Oregano Oil is one of those essential oils that's amazing for the immune system  so it has been shown to have antiviral, antibacterial, antiseptic, antiparasitical, antifungal, antimicrobial properties and it is amazing for the immune system at fighting anything and everything so basically what is very rich is in these two compounds called  Thymol and carvacrol which are.. which basically prevent any sort of toxin that enters your bloodstream from the breakthrough of the cell wall of the bacteria......... to prevent, to prevent it from taking over your immune system. So that's why oregano oil is amazing and what they found was that oregano oil is actually even more powerful than antibiotics or MRSA's so MRA's are these Methicillin-resistant Staph bacteria that has evolved over time to be resistant to different antibiotics so right now we don't have any or we have very specialized antibiotics that can actually kill off MRSA's but what they found in this research was that oregano oil has amazing benefits to actually destroy these MRSA's far superior than other antibiotics that are on the market as well.


Wow, that is really really interesting. And that leads me to think about black seed oil as well which has also become a really big surprise for a lot of people as well so how about the black seed oil, how do you feel about that too?


So black seed oil is also amazing cause the thing about Oregano Oil is although it's amazing you can't take it everyday because it does have implications for the  Gi tract and your digestive system in high potency because it's such a potent oil but, black seed oil is a great alternative that you can take everyday because it still has similar compounds but in lower concentrations so you can take it on a more consistent basis so for example Black Seed Oil is really really rich in Thymoquinone, which is  a phenomenal compound that's been shown to have antimicrobial, antiviral, antibacterial benefits


Oh wow. Yeah, that's really interesting.


But it's really important to make sure that the Black Seed Oil you're taking is either like by the tablespoon, like pure oil or  I know for me it's very difficult to like stand the taste of it. Because it's so strong, so you can take it in a soft gel form, which is amazing because then you're just ... take the pill... take the capsule and you really don't have to deal with its tasty properties.  


And it's really really good to combine that with the Vitamin K2 and D3 because it actually helps with the absorption as well right? The interesting thing about Black Seed Oil is it will actually help increase the bioavailability of K2 and D3..


Thats like a Jack JackPot


And the interesting thing is that with all of that you can also take Zinc. Zinc is also fantastic for strengthening your entire body really because Zinc is also something that's not naturally occuring in our bodies so it's really important to take Zinc


Oh yeah, Zinc is so important.. so most people have Zinc deficiency. It's very difficult to get Zinc in your diet without any supplementation because foods just naturally have such less concentrations of Zinc, except Oysters.  Oysters are amazing for Zinc. but basically because Zinc Concentration in food is so low- you have to supplement but a good Zinc Supplement and is so connected to your endocrine function as well so Zinc is directly correlated with your Testosterone levels for men and Testosterone levels go significantly down if Zinc is not adequate in your diet and it also is related to sleep and mental health as well like it's shown to increase anxiety levels if you have lower levels of Zinc, is also essential to promoting restful good nights rest, so Zinc is one of my favorites for sure.



That's why Zinc is so important even, especially if you go to the gym too like I've been getting... your Zinc it actually works hand in hand   as well


Zinc combined with Vitamin C. I feel like they work together.


They have that synergistic effect and the interesting thing about Zinc is it's also there to prevent flus and ease those colds as well. So it is actually  excellent for immunity too! So, interestingly enough B Vitamins. Getting a great B Complex, especially B6 can actually help, because B6 actually helps create new blood cells and basically which are responsible for actually carrying oxygen throughout your body so  the oxygenation is essential, is actually vital for your immune system as well. How about that like, as well? Like high levels of oxygenation  in the cell, like to ensure that your cell is always decluttered because they come together right? Your cells, they come together so even just jumping on the trampoline everyday. They go a long way just ensuring that your cells just don't clump as well and how about...


Resveratrol is another one that I really love.


So interestingly enough with Resveratrol  you know, the French basically brought on a lot of attention based around resveratrol, everyone were wondering how are the French so healthy, like they smoke, they drink a lot of wine, how on Earth?


They eat pastries and croissants and like their diets are full of starchy carbs


And yet they're able to maintain health


And they look great! They look so great


Yeah, fantastic, and the interesting thing is that you know, with that.. It's interesting .. Resveratrol is what's in wine and studies have actually started finding that and they did test on mice and they were able to find out that Resveratrol is actually responsible for activating Sirtuin 1, and that's an specific compound that  actually triggers age reversal so they were able to find out that the compound the activation of that compound was able to increase the age expectancy by over 15%


And that's their secret to looking young as well.




Wow, resveratrol.


What's even more fascinating is yes. You can get it in supplement form, it's really important to also take it in supplement form so that you continue to remind your body to have that production but also  actually get it directly.


Yeah while I was reading that like when you take it in a .. encapsulated form is like just two.. one or two capsules  you can get the same amount that you would by drinking  80 glasses of red wine




Isn't that amazing?


Wow, Yeah, so then seeking


So yeah that's amazing because you don't have to drink that much wine to get your daily value, you can actually get a really powerful dose without drinking wine as well.


Exactly or you can meditate. You know interesting thing is that again it's scientifically proven that you can activate that same Sirtuin 1 compound which is basically the Longevity molecule and the interesting thing about that is .. that as you do that you're actually increasing  the amount of Sirtuin 1 compound by over 40%


That's amazing


It's incredible, it's about  41% around there and they did this study on like... basically they did it  on 90 participants who are active meditation practitioners and they were able to figure this out and that's what's so interesting. And you know it's interesting how age reversal is closely link as well with immunity because if you're actually able to


Oh yeah,


... Build your immunity you're able to have better results in age reversals...


Yeah absolutely because research shows that your immune system actually declines with age. So if you're turning back the clock, obviously your immune system will respond to that and become healthier as a result of it.    


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So it's probably a good idea to take Glutathione as well right?


Yes, so Glutathione is my favorite antioxidant because it's just amazing. Its so close to my heart. It literally does everything, it's the key to anti aging it's great for liver health, it's great for Brain Health, it's great for Sleep. It has so many different benefits  that you can not even imagine, the only thing with Glutathione is  that when you take it in ... encapsulated form, you would need to take   a liposomal form in order to get the benefits. However even with the liposomal form your body doesn't absorb it really well because of the liver, it's not broken down as well as other nutrients and antioxidants so basically the  only way to increase... not the only way,  but the best way to increase your Glutathione levels is to get your body to manufacture more of it and this is where meditation is amazing because meditations signals your body to start producing more Glutathione.


Exactly. And the interesting thing is they did studies on this as well with meditation again ... forms or yoga, prayer,  you know being able to actually take care of yourself that way. It has such incredible rewards we've talked about and you know activating those age reversal compounds but the interesting thing is your Glutathione production increases by over  50% when  you start to actually meditate and now this is scientifically proven they did studies, weekly studies on participants so now we're actually finding out that meditation, plays a huge component right ? so that's where it can really….


That is phenomenal, that's amazing. And it goes back to our you know, where we started off with and now we've kind of come back full circle. It's almost like yes,  we maybe, you know, genetically predisposed to specific conditions to say, however epigenetics is showing us something completely different. Which is beautiful because we can actually alter that gene expression,  so basically we have power to turn the wrong genes off  and to turn the right genes on. So even though you may have a genetic susceptibility to coronary artery disease or to a heart attack or  to cancer you can actually help prevent that through turning specific genes off and through turning the right genes on and meditation is a fantastic, fantastic tool for that.


Combined with the right foods and the right supplements you've really got a winning formula for doing that right?


I mean thank God for whoever discovered epigenetics cause otherwise we would have all at least us Types A's, Type B's and Type AB's, we would've been screwed right? We would've been like okay , no , we have an 82% higher risk of heart disease then blood type O's but thank God for this new cutting edge information  that helps us prevent all of that


Yeah it's like a myriad of basically you know having the right combination of science and ancient wisdom. I think it is a beautiful blend where both...


Join Hands


... Join hands and support one another


Yeah absolutely because ancient wisdom has ... it gives us all these answers to you know  all these adaptogenic herbs to traditional chinese medicine to all these wonderful superfoods like Maca and Goji Berries, that's how we discover  all these ancient secrets and then science helps us prove the efficacy of all these ingredients.


Yeah and then not ignoring all the different philosophies I mean, you might go to India and look at the ... Principles but then there's also the Chinese Medicine because with Chinese Medicine their focus was mainly on the organs


Energy, yeah


Energy, around the organs as well. Because we're finding out that they like to eat a lot more of the  warming foods so that they can take care of  your digestion, spleen health , all of that so interestingly enough it goes hand in hand with the energies


Yeah cause when they talk about the organs they are talking about the organs energetically, so they're not even looking at it as like a Solid Material organ, they're looking at it from an energetic standpoint which is why biofield research is also amazing  because you have practices like TaiChi, Reiki, Shiatsu where your doing energy work and it's affecting the person, because what you're doing is changing the patterns  in their field and what's really interesting about this field that you're able to see energetically ... There was this recent study done where these women were studied, women who had cancer and women who did not have cancer but in the informational field, the bio field, you can see cancer in all of these women even if they hadn't developed cancer yet. But what's interesting was that at some point  in their lives those women who hadn't in their bio field will actually develop cancer later on in their life which is why energy is so important I mean we're 99,99999% energy and information and  basically through energetic work  we're able to heal as well.


Yeah I think we fall into the illusion because we have these physical bodies, physical forms and we see physical objects, our dog is physical .... so it's very easy to look at them physically and when you begin to actually realize how much have been really, is truly physical and you start to realize that it's actually the other way around. I mean you take the atom and you take the space inside of an atom.. again.


Its 99,999999 %  Its space.


Yeah its energy so if you can find a way to shift yourself energetically which really means the kind of thoughts and motions, feelings that are running through you, you're actually gonna find much better results, you're gonna gain the confidence to really build up your immunity system where you're just gonna be laughing things off, you're gonna be like, okay, here's the next one let's just laugh it off together... lets just enjoy


Get those endorphins going-


Get those endorphins going, enjoy a good bowl of  soup or bone broth and  just live life, enjoy life and be happy cause thats what youre supposed to be  


That's where all the answers are, joy, love and inner peace you know. Once you tune into those 3 emotions you're healing everyday, you're giving yourself love, you're feeling that inner peace, you're celebrating life everyday, you're not getting bothered by anything around you, like that's the secret to longevity, to health, to an amazing functioning immune system.

